

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Ivan's spotlight

Ivan Michael Balle
I say it every year....and I'll say it again.... can Ivan really be ELEVEN!?!? 
It looks like just a regular smile in this picture 
but that smile speaks so many things to me. It shows how much joy he gets from his little Kate and it shows how super sweet this boy can be. I get after Ivan a lot and sometimes when I see this sweet smile I feel guilt. I feel a tinge of sadness that I let myself get after that sweet face. I feel guilt because Ivan has to be the first born and endure all my mistakes, yet he keeps smiling. It's what I admire most about Ivan. I admire his strength to rise above his mom and her mistakes. He is very sensitive to my mood and I think it affects him greatly. He has a hard time leaving the house or going to bed if he knows I'm mad. He is always quick to say sorry. He is very sensitive that way. 

I love Ivan and his energy. He LOVES anything active. Playing tackle football this year sent him through the roof with excitement. He loves it so much. He played basketball this winter and learned a ton. Ivan is pretty athletic and when you see him in the backyard playing with his friends he is a fighter, but it's tricky when he gets out in an organized sport, something happens mentally. He gets inside his head and is very afraid of making a mistake and forgets to play like he does in the back yard. He becomes very careful.  I think we had a little mental break through with basketball this season. About the last 4 or 5 games something clicked and he got out of his mind and onto the court. It was fun to see the change. He's now starting baseball and we are hoping he can carry that over into this season and then into football in the fall. 

Ivan is very particular. He has a handful of outfits that he wears over and over again. I say "outfits" because a certain shirt has to be worn with certain shorts and certain underwear and certain socks. I feel bad for his other shirts that hang so lonely in his closet or that different shorts don't get to mingle with different shirts. But that's my Ivan. 

He is smart, loves and knows a lot about animals. I think he's overcome his Fortnite obsession and I'm feeling happy about that. He loves free time with friends more than anything. He still complains a tad when he has to be done "playing." He's entering that pre-teen stage and has been informed by a friend that he needs to stop saying, "can you play?" and instead say, "can you hang." 

He does good in school.  I got this email from his teacher back in January

"I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with Ivan! He is always (100%) of the time doing what is asked of him, uses his time wisely, asking questions when he has them, helping others, and being nice to others. I know I can always count on Ivan to be a good example to others. I really enjoy having him in my class!" -Mrs. Brenda Smith

We enjoy having Ivan in our family as well. He could eat cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner and I have to ask him to take smaller bites, chew quieter and watch that milk dripping from his chin, BUT other than that, Mr Ivan Balle is a keeper

School career field trip to JA cit

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