

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


In March we celebrate the birth of Mr. Ivan Michael and Mrs. Emery Sharon. We are happy they are in our family because.....

IVAN-  STILL eats and sleeps football, however we have him playing soccer. This will be our last year and then in the fall we are letting him try tackle football. He is beside himself. Besides sports he is smart and does well in school. He is so sweet with Kate and loves every little move she makes. He woke up crying one night, because he dreamt that she fell down the stairs and died. Even after he woke it was hard to get him to stop crying about it.

He's pretty sensitive that way. One night we stayed over at my mother in laws and he slept with grandma and she got snoring pretty good and pretty loud and he came down, in tears, to get us because he thought something was wrong with her. 

He got to go to one of the Jazz play off games with Mike.

  He's pretty reliable. We leave Kate with him and he's such a good babysitter. He loves playtime. Everytime we have something to do he ask's, "will I still have time to play?" Or he's calculating how much playtime he'll have each day. He just loves the freedom that comes with it and I love that he loves it and that he gets plenty off it. He's reliable. He comes home everyday after school and reads for 20 min, does math for 20 min and then poops for 20 min. Yes, he'll be mad I put this here, but he does those three things just as I said. He's smart though and after a while learned to mulitask and read while on the pot. He's still pretty OCD about his clothes. He has a handful of things he will wear and has certain things he likes to wear on certain days and doesn't switch it up much. Ivan you're a good kid. Thanks for being part of our family

EMERY- our capable little gal. She's pretty mature and can take care of Kate as good as I can. She was helping me roll meatballs one night and we had to run over to the school for parent teacher conference and so I told her to finish rolling the balls. I came home and she had finished rolling, put them in the oven for 10 min. Asked Ivan to get them out when they looked done and had started cutting the bread (dangerous I know) by the time I got home.  She is constantly bouncing and moving. For a while she was always throwing her body down on the bed or couch or hanging upside down or cartwheeling all over. We put her in tumbling and she's doing great.

She likes to Write me notes evertime I get mad :) I was mad one night and when I went in at 8:00 to put Kate down I just fell asleep and went to bed for the night. When I got up she had placed a few notes around the house with a little snack next to each one.
This one says, "do you have to be so pretty" hahahaha. 

she is creative, always making things or asking if she can help with dinner or make her own concoction or drawing her own cell phone or painting or something. Thanks also, for  being part of our family.

Happy birthday 10th and 6th bday

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