

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Ivan's pretty athletic. I know, I know,  everyone thinks that about their own kid ;) but he really does have some natural athleticism. (is that a word?). He has just loved anything sports since he was born. If I remember right, his first word was ball. The next was BYU touchdown. He throws a pretty mean spiral (football) and can dribble and shoot a basketball (in a regular hoop) pretty dang good. I guess I really don't have anything to compare him to, but we sure think he's exceptional. Soooo we've been anxious to get him on some little sports team to see how he does. He has the talent, but at the same time he is very reserved and so we wondered how he would do.

Alas, soccer season came. We signed up through the county, but they can lump you with people in your same area so it turned out that all 8 boys are in our neighborhood and the 2 coaches are also our neighbors.

I about beat Ivan the first day of practice. Of course he wouldn't go out and join them. He used his whiny of all whiny voices to talk, or make grunting sounds as he hid behind my leg. Before it all started the coach sent out an email with friendly reminders about how we should remember that they are 4 and that we should always be supportive, etc.... I couldn't agree more, until I went to that practice. How easily I forgot his age and how to be encouraging. I wanted to get mad and tell him we'd just go home then and he wouldn't play. I didn't say what I was thinking thank goodness. After watching each kid VERY intently and soaking in EVERYthing that was going on he finally went out there. He had to have Micah come take him by the hand and lead him out, but he went out. But then he got running and his shoe came off. Oh my word you would have thought his whole foot had been torn off! He ran off the field in tears and it took a bit to get him back out there. Anyway- it was what it was....

 The first few games and practices he would not leave Micah's side. He wasn't watching the ball, only Micah. He'd be running fast down the field and the ball would end up right in front of him and all the sudden he'd stop and look for Micah and run over and follow him. Kinda frustrating too.
 Buuuut, it didn't take long and he got himself right in there! He gained his confidence and he did awesome! It was so fun to watch him. I just loved his coaches. They were soooo good with the boys. You don't keep score when they are this little, however I'm pretty sure all the parents know exactly who won each game. We really did have a good little team and they probably lost one or two of the 8 games. There were lots of goals made and each kid on the team had their share of making them.

We are done for now, but have 8 more games in the spring. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Just from reading about him I'd say he is a sport natural! None of my boys are into sports. They play soccer but they are a bit timid and run around following the pack! I bet Ivan is fun to watch.
