

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Few things about Ivan

He loves Jack and is really good with him. He calls Jack his tiny baby and says thing like, "oh look at our tiny, tiny baby." "Oh our tiny baby is so cute." "Oh look, my baby loves me."

Most of the time when he comes in from playing he takes his shoes and socks off, puts his socks in his shoes and then puts them in his closet or in this corner spot in the kitchen. Most the time.

He's always talked very clear and very well, however there are a few things he's misunderstood and we don't' correct him. Shade is shave. Forth is thorth and gum is wallet. "Let's sit in the shave mom." "Lets go over there where it's nice and shavey." "Look mom, it's going back and thorth, back and thorth." The wallet thing is great when we are not around to interpret. He was with my brother in his truck asking for a "piece of wallet" and my brother was really confused. Jack is now calling it wallet.

He has his rituals. When he wakes up he wants an ovaltine bottle (yes I said bottle and yes I know he's 3). We have to be rocking when he drinks it. One morning I was busy doing other things so I got it for him and told him I couldn't rock-a-bye him, but he could sit in the rocking chair and watch a show and drink it. About 30 min later I looked over and he hadn't drink'n any of it. He then asked, "now can you?" So he will save it until the situation is just right for the drinking of it. He has to sit in the high chair when he eats cereal. He used to have to get crackers out when we watched the office. We have to sit on the porch when we have a bagel and we have many lunch picnics on the lawn. A very sentamental boy.


  1. That is so sweet that he wants you to rock him while he drinks his Ovaltine bottle!!!

  2. What a great kid! Both boys are so cute and lucky to have a brother!

  3. I wish nate would EVER be able to find his shoes. They always "disappear"...the kid is 10! So that is an awesome habit. The gum/wallet might want to let him know before he starts school. Haha! Great post!
