

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Happy Birthday to dad. 77 I think.

Happy Mothers day to Mom
Happy Mothers day to mom

Audrey, Morgan, Abby, Ellie, Kate

and Happy Mothers Day to Sharon

Our niece Hillary has two little boys. McKay is Kates age and Milo is 1. They are in PA school in CA and Kate sure misses Mckay. It's so exciting when they are in town

Our Nephew Kristian has 3 kids, Dawson is almost 9, Brixton is 7 and Soren is 3. Jack, Emery and Dawson have soooo much fun when they are together. They live in Oregon and the kids miss them terribly. They came out and got to stay at our house. 

At the end of our mothers day celebration someone found this little guy. Malori couldn't take him home to Oregon and I couldn't leave the poor thing to die alone so we took him home. I'm not a pet person and all the sudden I have a dog, a bird and our stray cat brought 6 kittens over.  We nursed him for about a week and then the little guy died. 

And here is little Whitney with her babies.

 We adopted her from the farmers behind us. The perfect pet. She is sweet and pretty and just comes and goes when she pleases. One day she came and we thought she either ate too much or was pregnant. I secretly wished she would have the babies at our house, but she didn't. She had the kittens back at the farm, but would still come and go. A few weeks later here she came, toting 6 kittens behind her. 


Koda is still loved

and the home schooling was fun while it lasted. Last day of school the teachers paraded the neighborhoods to tell the kids goodby and good luck. It was actually really fun to see them. Those last 3 months of school were pretty crazy. We are so thankful for all the teachers did to help my kids keep learning.

We had a late Bday celebration for Emery and Ivan. I think we mainly focused on Emery because we celebrated Ivan's bday in Hawaii

looks like we went to the dentist. I love this picture

Looks like we also went to the vet

some home science activities

 sunshine, grass and kids

Mike and Ivan took a trip to Idaho

and I took the rest of the kids, plus Jensen and Jared, to the cabin

Me, Kate Benson and Emily Orton threw a little graduation for all the seniors who didn't get a school graduation because of Covid. It was a lot of fun. We had an announcer tell a little something about each kid, we had purple smoke bombs and a little graduation speech.

We have a neighborhood band who has kept us entertained during this crazy season of Covid. There was usually a food truck involved or a snow cone stand. It's been nice to be outside around people.

Memorial day visit in Midway

amd to see Lyn, Mikes dad

I think they may be it for May.

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