

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

I'll never have another one

Of these mugs!!
It's pretty much the reason, after Ivan's birth, that I chose to have 3 more kids. I love these mugs. The water just tastes so good as it comes up through this straw. I feel like I drink so much more water when I use it. 

I mean this is cute too
 but these mugs are worth giving birth for. Unfortunately I noticed mold in the straw today. Sure I could find a new straw, but I'm afraid it won't be the same. Plus, I think I'm ready to throw it away and move forward. 

Things are a chang'n here at the Balle house. We are officially moving into another phase of life. Our little Kate is about 2 1/2 and not only have we thrown away her birth mug, but we are also quitting nursing. I'm not good at much, I don't have many talents, but the one thing I think I was born to do is nurse. I love it so much and this week will be the end of it for me. Now what will I become?

I've got to take some different hormone supplements that I probably shouldn't be nursing with. When I was at the doctors office the other day we were talking about it and Kate was sitting on the chair next to me coloring. The doctor mentioned I should stop nursing with these supplements and I replied, "yeah it's probably time" and Kate stopped her coloring, looked up at us and said, "no more nursies?" I said, "yeah, we need to stop nursing love" and she tilled her head to one side and with a very confused look said, "wwwhy?"

That night we got in bed and read a couple books and then she turned into me and said, "I need nursies....oh wait, not nursies." so I confirmed and told her we can't nurse and she at first agreed, "doctor said no nursies" but then she started to cry, "I need nursies!" It actually didn't last long and she went to sleep.

The next day nap time went great. Instead of laying in my bed and nursing I went downstairs to the rocking chair and she took the binki and didn't fuss about nursing. That night we were coming home from someplace and she fell asleep in the car so we dodged that one. The next two days naps have been great, but bedtime has been a tad harder. I actually feel so bad for her. Her crying for it is almost more out of hurt and frustration than anger. It's like she's trying to do what she's suppose to, but really, really wants to nurse. She was up a few times last night, but only cried for a couple minutes each time. We'll get there. Pretty sad for both of us in the meantime.

But then that will be it. Baby life is a thing of the past. Out of diapers forever and done with nursing forever. Crazy thing this life is and how time fly's.

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