

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Birth of Balle baby number 4

After I had the baby I had all sorts of feelings and felt like I had so much to say about it all,  but when I sit down to spill it out I can't really remember what I had to say....

Run down
- I feel like we should have named her Paul Anka in honor of the countless hours I spent watching 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls towards the end of the pregnancy. To be honest, it was an awesome time. I got two blasted UTI's back to back around September. I was soooo tired I couldn't believe it.  I could hardly get around the house and it was the first time in probably my whole life that I HAD to take a nap every day. SO I watched me some Gilmore Girls.  Kept on watching till baby was born and then finished up mid December. So now when I think back on "the time we had the baby" I feel all Gilmore Girlish. Or maybe it's the other way around. When I think of Gilmore girls it takes me back to the last of my pregnancy.

- When I had Ivan I went into labor on my own. They induced me with both Jack and Emery. This pregnancy I wanted two things; to not be induced and to go quick enough that I could do it unmedicated. I caved to the induction part. I just wasn't progressing like I thought I would and I was ready to be done. Due the 15th. Induction set for the 10th.

Night before

- We arrived at the hospital about 7:30. About 8:30 they started the pitocin. I started feeling the labor pains. 9:45 they broke my water. Pains started REALLY picking up. We figured I'd work through them as along as I could. They started getting really good and when I couldn't do it anymore I told the nurse I wanted to change my mind about the epidural. She checked me and said, "nope, I think we can have this baby right now." She called the doctor. Doctor came down pretty quick. We pushed some awful 4 or 5 pushes and baby came at 10:50. A few phrases I remember are, "momma help me,"  "Shhhhhit." " I can't do it" and "I think my butt is going to explode." Luckily it didn't.

-We went back and forth with names. When we left the hospital Sunday we put down Dani LaVer Balle. When we got home we called the hospital to see if they still had our paper work. They did, pulled it out and gave us till wed to change our mind. Wed we called and changed it to Kate Laver Balle.
"Big Kate's"- welcome for  "little Kate" 

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