

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Just one thing I wanna say about Valentines this year

One of Ivan's strength's is that he is very thoughtful or perceptive, for a 5 yr old. He's very aware of our feelings and he is very aware of things around him.

Well for his class valentines this year we cut up little slips of paper and he wrote their name on one side and then drew a picture on the other. The pictures were very specific things he's noticed about his classmates. He drew an ear for one girl because she was a good listener in class. He drew a person laughing for another girl because she was funny. He drew a picture of himself helping his friend who had a cast on his leg and then colored the friends shirt green because it's the friends favorite color. He drew sports things for a friend who likes sports and on and on…… for 25 kids. I was very impressed to watch him think personally about each kid in his class.  

Our valentine place to eat is "Taste of Punjabs." This year Mike took flowers over there earlier in the day. So they brought the flowers out in the middle of our dinner. It was such a fun little surprise. Thank you to my Valentine!


  1. Oh my goodness- what a sweet, thoughtful boy!!! That is so awesome that he drew personalized pictures for his friends! I am so impressed!!!! My boys don't even know their friends names let alone what their favorite color is! That is just so sweet, I can't get over it!

  2. well golly geez, that is sweet!
