

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5th 2013- Carson Courage

It's been one year today! 
I'm very impressed at what proactive grievers the Cheney's have been. They have done some great things in honor of Carson's life. On his casket they had coined the phrase "Carson Courage" and it has really taken off. Hilary designed these stickers for a bike and bike helmet give away they participated in (he loved riding his bike)
He loved match box cars and was holding one in his hand when he died. 
(Taken about 45 min before his accident)

They came up with a great idea, to help them cope a bit on this 1 year mark, to buy match box cars and leave them in random places for other little kids to find. This is a tag she made to attach to them.
Franklin Covey made these bracelets for them last summer, to give away. They say Carson Courage on them. Once in a while I'll notice one or two of the young men passing the sacrament wearing one and I love that some of her close neighbors wear them 24/7. Tender.
We decided to put ours on our bikes. 
When Ivan was a baby we looked and looked at bikes. Never did get them. Then we talked a lot about it, had 2 more kids and still no bikes. With Carson's passing and Ivan learning to ride a two wheeler last summer, it just seemed to fit. We got them.  

So today, we decided in honor of little Carson we'd go for a nice bike ride together and hide matchbox cars

He turned 5 a couple weeks after his accident and they had a big b-day celebration for him at this park. We decided to go there to hide a car and then ride for a bit on the parkway next to the park.

We couldn't ride long because it started to rain. It was very similar weather to this day last year. Hilary said that she had been telling Carson that morning how much she loved the summer rain. Naturally then,  a rainy day is a sign from him. What a special gift the rain was today

Then we stopped for a slushy.
No, there's no slushy in the picture. Just waiting for the order, breaking my back flipping kids around
and splashing in puddles
We really enjoyed being together tonight, with some Carson in our hearts.
Much love to the Cheney family today!