

Monday, January 7, 2013

testing, testing 1, 2, 3

We got us a lap top for Christmas. Its been sitting here looking pretty in it's box, untouched since Christmas. It's like we are afraid it will ruin it if we open it. Finally last night we had Mark and Kate came over and help us set up the wireless and get things going. Today I'm trying this sucker out. Can you tell? Does this blog post seem any different than the ones done on our desktop? :) I tell ya, it was getting hard to walk into that front room and sit at the desk to blog. I wanted a lap top so bad so I could blog in bed, on the couch or in the tub for heck sakes. So here I am, in the rock-a-bye chair. I just downloaded some Christmas pictures from my camera when I found "photo booth." I'm so glad I did, because now I can get pretty pictures of myself. 
I look like an ex-con! Or the "before" picture of someone who is going in for an extreme makeover! 


  1. I think you look bee-uuu-tiii-fulll!!! And, that your baby in the bottom picture??? If so, she's huge!!!

    My boys love to play around with Photo Booth. We have tons of crazy pictures and awesome videos on there.

  2. Yeah, more posts! And I too thought that was Maybell for a minute, but it's prob the girl you babysit. Right?

  3. Congrats! I LOVE my laptop...can't understand why anyone would want to sit at a desktop or use a tablet...yuck!!!
