

Monday, August 27, 2012

Young Artists

So Mandy's little guy Jensen is, I think, a genius. Just feel like giving credit where credit is due. The kid knew pretty much all of his letters by the time he was two. It's not like any of us in the family push this, or feel it necessary, he just did it on his own. He just turned 5 at the end of June. He can read and write. He hasn't had a day of pre school and my sister doesn't really work with him. He'll either sound out a word and write it on his own or he'll ask for the spelling and you just have to spell it all out at once and he runs into the other room and writes it. Anyway- I think the boy is a genius. He also loves to draw and is pretty amazing. I don't know, you guys all have 5 year olds. Maybe this is typical. But since I can't even draw a train like this, I think he's amazing. These pictures aren't even his best ones.
He's got one train with smoke coming out the top and in the smoke he has written his name. But it's written backwards because of the way the train is headed. His logic is that they must come out backwards if the train heads that directions. He also has another train that is drawn on the diagonal and it's smaller in the back. Logic there is that its coming in from a distance. Then one afternoon he spent some time in the toy room at my moms and came out with this master piece. Cut, figured and taped with no one's help.
Ivan doesn't normally sit and draw. He did the other day and I was excited to see him at the kitchen table working so hard. "Oh Ivan, look at you. Whatcha drawing?"
Saddened by his reply, "It's a butt crack"
And we can't just stop with that.... "with poop coming out."
Oh well isn't that just lovely dear!
No, no it isn't! Where oh where did my sweet Ivan go?


  1. Haaa!!! I love the butt crack picture!!! And no, my oldest certainly wasn't reading and writing at 5- at least not until he got into Kindergarten.

  2. Laughing so hard right now! What it it with boys and butts?!!!!

  3. Totally just laughed out loud at that one! All Colin talked about today was poop. Poop this and Poop that. I probably said, "No More Potty Talk" fifty times today. Geez!!

  4. oh my gosh, this made me laugh so hard. Love little Ivan boy.

  5. Oh good heck, I can't stop laughing! Seriously, I'm going to wake up Livy from her nap... Oh my gosh, that seriously made my day! Give all your kids a hug from me! : ) btw, Livy turned 2 in July and still doesn't even talk! Ugh. She can say about five real but simple words, vowel sounds, grunts, a good horse whinny and growls...

  6. Oh my gosh, that is too hilarious. I'm dying laughing right now.

  7. Oh Becca - That is so funny.. What are you teaching that boy.. :) Is that what I have to look forward to with Hank.. It does sound like your nephew is very smart.. That is great!!!

  8. HAHA that's funny. Ivan is impressive for his other talents, like throwing balls, right?

