

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Synonyms. Antonyms.

I just updated Jack and what he's up to. Ivan will be 4 soon and so I'll update him then. In the meantime, we sure are noticing how our boys are the same and how they are total opposites

From the time they were born they've both LOVED balls and playing either football or basketball
I've addicted them both to ovaltine.... in a bottle to boot! Yes I did say Ivan was almost 4 and yes he still likes to drink it from a bottle. Just in the morning and it's the only thing he does or ever has drunken from a bottle. They both like to rub my arm to death and say, "I need your cold arm." They both have to take off their shoes and socks whenever they come in the house. They both like to shut things..... like the dishwasher when I'm loading it or the cutting board when I'm trying to use it. They have both taken to motorcycles. Jack carries one around like Ivan used to. They both had to carry around a spoon when they were under a year old. They both change the mother animal in any story to a "daddy." Maybe Jack's just learned that from Ivan? but I think they both have just done it on their own. Neither of them would ever take a Binky or a bottle really, except the ovaltine of course. They both get nervous on life threatening rides such as merry-go-rounds.

 The list of differences goes on for days. The minute they wake up Ivan wants his, "play clothes" on and Jack wants to stay in his pajamas. Ivan cry's like a baby girl in the bath tub when I have to lean him back and wash his hair. He won't do it on his own and he will hardly let me help hold him back, like the waters going to eat him alive or something.  I go to lay Jack back and he says, "Jack do it" or "a self" and he'll just lay back in the water without my help. At dinner, Ivan wants me to spoon feed him and Jack eats everything on his own, with minimal mess. Ivan wants to be carried everywhere and Jack wants to walk by himself. Ivan will pay close attention to songs and nursery rhymes, but won't try to sing along. Jack trys to sing along to everything. Ivan wants to touch and hug Jack and Jack wants his space. When they were baby's Ivan would wake up the minute I laid him down or tried to transfer him from car seat to the house, etc.... and at night he would fuss and wouldn't settle, but as soon as I would snuggle him in he would sleep. Jack had no problem sleeping on his own and still I can move him around and he stays asleep. When they wake up in the morning Jack pleasantly calls out, "mom, mom, way are you?" or "mom, come hold me." Ivan wakes up and immediately cries like he's in pain and isn't old enough to just climb out of bed on his own and come find us. We have to go rescue him. Jack eats just about everything. Ivan eats just about nothing. Ivan never drew on the wall or colored in story books or ripped pages from story books. We forgot kids did things like that until Jack came along.

However, we love them both the same and glad they are so different!
(I realize it sounds like one way is better than the other or more positive than the other. We really don't feel like it is, just stating the facts)


  1. That was so cute! Fun to read and learn about your boys. I think it's fun to see how my boys are the same and different too.

  2. What a cute idea to list similarities and then differences! They are a lot a like but even more different! Crazy how that works.

  3. Very funny pictures. You're lucky to have them so close. Wish we lived closer so our kids could play together!

    We're excited to see what baby girl Balle looks like; good luck in the delivery. We'll be thinking of you!
