

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Always" and "forever"

Sat night we did this fun progressive dinner with the ward so we got a babysitter. We really don't use a sitter all that much, cuz we just take them to our parents, but on occasion we use one of the great girls in the ward.

Well yesterday in church Ivan got this paper necklace thing with a family on it and it said, "families can be together forever." When we got in the car I said, "oh Ivan, it looks like you learned about families today in class." He said something along the lines of, "yeah, families can be together forever and ever and ever. Moms and dads get married and then you and me and dad and Jack can always be together. We don't have to have anymore babysitters." 

Then later when I was changing his clothes I said, "I'm so happy we get to be together forever." and he said, "did you and dad already get married?" I said yes. He said, "oh (in an upbeat, happy tone) then we can always be together and we don't have aaanymore  babysitters! huh mom"  we laughed and didn't bother clarifying there's a difference between being together "always" and being together "forever."

1 comment:

  1. That is SO cute! I hated babysitters too when I was little. It's funny how some kids love them. You feel bad leaving them if they don't want you to. It's always so fun to hear what little Ivan has to say.
