

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ryan, you say jump! and I say, how high?

It's odd.... but I've been surprisingly busy lately. That's odd for me, not the rest of the world. People seem to be super busy all the time. Not me. I just don't really find myself that busy I guess. I'll be honest, we do a lot of rock-a-bye'n around here. Well that and lawn mowing and weeding, but even that has gone by the way side the last month or so.

However, I do still manage to have myself a Delicious mid-day snack of chips and cheese and salsa... amongst my busy life. I even took a picture of it the other day and was going to post about it for my cousin Ryan, because we did eat a lot of it when I was living with them in Arizona. Which afterwards we would play a nice game of jumping tigers. It's where we would actually jump from the floor up onto the counter in one jump. I repeat- ONE JUMP! I mean I was only about 27 at the time. What other behavior would you expect from a young 27 yr old. Actually I bet I never was able to do it. I know Ryan could.

Anyway- I never did post my chips and cheese, but tonight I read your comment Ryan and I musn't waste anymore time. Here they are!!!

You'll notice I've "healthied" it up a bit. Try throwing a bit of protein on there and it makes you feel a lot better. Normally I have an avocado laying around and so I have chips, cheese and salsa AND avocado. Then I started adding the beans. Yes, I know, if I'm not careful I'll be turning this mid-day snack into a large plate of nacho's and that's really what's for dinner. So I only do it occasionally. Bone Appetite


  1. Looks delish!! We've gone from rarely being busy to being pretty busy lately. I don't like it! I like the lazy, do whatever we want whenever we want lifestyle.

  2. You always make me laugh! I know you're not trying to be funny, but you are!
    One jump? You're like my hero!

  3. Looks delicious, and healthy too. Oh Becca oh Becca. I had to laugh when I saw the title. THANK YOU! I need to scan some of those pics from Mexico (2003) and send them to you. Good memories with my hilarious, best dressed cousin.

  4. Looks delightful! And the plate is darling too. I've been wondering where you've been...I've missed my frequent updates! Elise

  5. Hey! An update! It's so good to hear from you :) Great idea on adding the beans for protein! Love it! And, seriously, one jump? Totally amazing!!!
