

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thank You

Ivan definitly has his moments, but he sure is going through a sweet stage right now.

I hear "I love you mom" alot. Some times he'll crawl up on my lap and say, "you're pretty mom." And the "thank you's" are over flowing....

"Thank you for this good dinner mom"
"Thank you for snuggling with me mom"
"Thank you for putting me on the potty"
"Thank you for getting me dressed in my play clothes mom"
or if a toy is rolling out of his reach and I stop it, I get, "thank for get'n that for me mom"

Last week when he was sick, I wasn't home, Mike had gone outside for something and Ivan threw up inside. When Mike came back in Ivan said, "oops, sorry dad, I should have gotten you, I should have called for you." Then another day I was out on the front lawn on a blanket with him and he threw up again and said, "oh sorry mom." I assured him that he doesn't have to be sorry for being sick and throwing up.

And today during playgroup I was feeding the boys german pancakes and he thanked me and then said to the other boys, "guys, tell my mom thank you for this good food."

1 comment:

  1. Cute!! I LOVE the sweet, thankful phase. I say phase because Scotty was that way, and now....not so much. But lucky for me both of my little ones are in it right now and it's so cute! I love that Ivan told the other boys to tell you thank you!!
