

Friday, June 3, 2011

Record time

It's gonna be a great summer!

With the help of our new lawn mover I'm able to cut lawn mowing time down from almost 2 hours to 1 hour flat!

I know, who cares? I guess I do. I don't know what happens when I'm out there, but I spent a good portion of last summer trying to figure out the best route to take when mowing -to avoid any psychological damage. But whether I started in the front or back or with the top section or bottom, or mowed from east to west, or north to south, or backwards or even upside down, it felt like it was NEVER ENDING. Sure damage to the Psyche. It's not like the yard is THAT big, but there is some serious length at one end that makes me feel like I should be done after walking one strip. Then on top of that I have to dump the grass every, what seems like, 5 steps. That's like a job in and of itself. It's not like I could mow one section and dump. It was more like I could mow one strip and have to dump. The jont to the garbage can felt "up hill both ways." And starting that baby up took about all the energy I had, not to mention every time you dumped you had to restart the mower. Yes, when I go to the doctor I check the box asking about weekly exercise. I feel no shame writing in my 2 hour workout. The yards not big enough for a riding mower and I can't let Mike mow, because then it takes like 3 hours... by the time he's scouted out all the snakes and smelt all the roses along the way.

Well bless this new mowers heart- it has the "mulching" option so we can do away with bagging. It self propels so I just let that baby drag me across the lawn and I don't care where I start!! I just look at it as a detailed walk around the yard for an hour! And it idles if you need to stop for a second so you don't have to restart it. I'm feel'n like this maybe what the Celestial Kingdom is all about!


  1. I totally get this post!

    Snakes? Really! Why? What brings them your way? Big/little/poisonous? Has one got inside the house? I ask so many questions because they are my biggest fear! Right up there with death and torture ~

  2. If you ever feel the need to mow more grass with your awesome mower, just come on over to our house!

  3. Oh Becca, how Iove your blog!! It's the simple things that delight for sure. Happy mowing!

  4. Congrats! I never mow. It seems to bring you so much joy, maybe I should give it a try!

  5. Nothing like a good mower! I have a Dixon ride-on...Jessica loves to mow the lawn for me, she says it's like riding a go-cart.
