

Saturday, July 16, 2022


I’m laying here in the dark, in the basement, in the broken recliner, hoping to get a good nights sleep. Last Wednesday night I thought I was feeling a little heart burn coming on. After I drank down my DR Gundrys chocolate protein shake the next morning the burning, or tightness or pain really got bad. I rolled around, hoping it would go away and found that laying on the couch, on my left side eased the pain immensely. Almost to non existent. So I would lay on the couch for a good chunk of the time, think I was all better,  get up for about 15 minutes until it started settling back in. I spent Thursday and Friday on and off the couch. Heart burn is usually worse when you lay down so I wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe some indigestion? I didn’t  know? Saturday morning I decided to go into the InstaCare. They gave me a concoction they thought would alleviate the pain and then a prescription for some better acid reflux medication, but told me if it didn’t get better to just go into the ER. About 11:30pm Saturday it was not getting better, it was not helping to lay down so we decided to go into the ER. It was painful waiting  for over an hour. The pain was right below my esophagus and wrapped around the back of my rib cage. We finally got back into a room and they were finally able to come in and do an ultrasound and found my gallbladder full of stones. The pain comes from one of the stones slipping into the bile duct. The solution was to take out the gallbladder and make sure the bile duct was clear. About 11:00am Sunday morning I had my gallbladder taken out.

When I woke up back in the room I was pretty loopy and pretty nauseous. Mike came in w the kids and I couldn’t talk very clear. My speech was slurred. Mike said I talked about laying naked on the doctors table. I don’t remember a lot of it, I do remember trying to put ice in my mouth and I kept missing. 

I pretty much slept the rest of the day. Katie DeSpain and Stephanie Cook stopped in for a visit and brought me a PB&J. I was feeling pretty good. Shortly after they left though, the pain started coming back on. I couldn't keep it in and started to cry. The nurse gave me something and I was able to sleep all night and the next morning. Finally I was able to leave the hospital about 2 o’clock.  

I’m now on my second night home. Last night I was uncomfortable in my bed until about 3:00am and decided to go sleep in the recliner downstairs. This  recliner  is 14 years old. It has seen better days. It’s  Broken in the back and doesn’t sit completely upright, but it did the trick. It should do the trick again tonight. 

I have so many awesome friends and family around me. Pauline brought flowers and cupcakes over. Jamie stopped in after work with a meal to freeze and treats for the kids. She watered all my plants for me. Katie despain brought dinner in that night. A delicious home made pot pie w fresh strawberries from her garden. Jenny brought flowers and chocolates from the Relief Society. Kate Butler made us grilled chicken and roasted veggies tonight. Man they hit the spot. We all ate out on the porch together and visited. I like eating outside. Lorena Peterson made us some shredded beef we’ll have in tacos tomorrow night. Everyone is so very nice and helpful. Koda as well. He's right by me wherever I go. 

I endured the remainder of the week. Saturday we were suppose to head to Nephi for the Ute Stampede, with Mikes whole family, but I felt like I was still having some of that same pain I'd had before. Sooooo our family took the kids to the rodeo and Mike took me back to the ER. This time they put a stent in the main bile duct. The stent stays in for a month to help fluid and whatever else pass

And that was an eventful month. All better now


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