

Friday, February 28, 2020

Lehi High School Cheer Camp
This year Kate joined Emery and they both loved it

I often find Kate hunkered down with a book she can't actually read
and holy cow, we all love that little face right there.
It is constantly getting kissed by someone in this house

We got the van detailed and I am in Heaven. I need clean. 
We also got rid of this big bulky car seat and got a new, clean, light weight one.
 Kate wanted one last picture in it

The boys got a couple skiing days in

The girls went to Lowe's

Ivan's been doing basketball. It's been a fun season.
Last year he tried out for Bantam, a competitive league and he didn't make it. Our neighbor was coaching a team and she let him join theirs so he could get some training under his belt. He didn't get much playing time, but when he did, he played timid. His mind was set on the fact that he didn't make it and that he wasn't as good as everyone else and so he held back a ton. It was kind of a bummer. He didn't make it again this year, but another neighbor decided to put together a team, because his son didn't make it either. He pulled a few kids from the neighborhood and from their school who haven't really played before so this year Ivan knew the team needed him and Jackson and it has been so fun. He played  with the mindset that he was a champion, which makes him a champion. It has been so fun to watch

Valentines boxes from last year

except for Emery's. She redid hers

Nielsen's Bday

 "Strike a pose, there's noth'n to it"

Lucy needs her hair braided after a shower. Kate was off gallivanting with her friends on a girls trip. Mark desperately texted to see if I could step in and accomplish the braid. 
I love to help. 

Design a book mark competition. 
Jack got in the top 5 for all the 4-6th graders 

I colored my hair red

A lot happens each month. I'm ornery for most of it, but at the end of the day or the month or the year, I'm glad these little ones belong to me.

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