

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Some nights are better than others

Ug, so it's 8:03 and I've been pouting in my bed for the past 20 min!! I don't know why I do this to myself! Bedtime here is... hmmm..... I'm not sure what it is. And that is the very problem. I'm not really a rigid, scheduled person and that is fine and works fine, but there are those few nights when it back fires! Normally we just try to go to bed when we go to bed. I mean, we'll get the kids to bed by like 9:00 or 9:30 and it doesn't take much effort. A few stories. But then there are those days where Jack hasn't taken a nap and I get these high hopes that we can get the boys to bed early. Soooo I suggest Mike take Jack in at 7:30, sure that he'll fall right asleep. Well of course around 7:30 the kid is so tired he gets this crazy energy and wants to play instead and fights going to bed, when normally he doesn't really fight it. Then of course Ivan's not tired at that time and so he starts the begging to play and then Jack starts to cry cuz he wants "his Ivan", but of course Ivan can't be a helper and just go in for a minute and read with dad and Jack till Jack falls asleep and so then it's taking more time and energy than it would've if we didn't try the early thing and my head is running circles and I start to get all mad at everyone and the situation. Then of course the baby has to fight going to bed, when she never does. So then Ivan realizes I'm no fun and the better choice is to go in with dad and Jack. I sulk. And sulk.

But then the phone rang and that got me out of bed and now I've decided I'll come post some pictures from the other night when bedtime was a good time. It's now 8:21 and report is yes, Jack is asleep, Ivan is not. So that means either I say it's fine for him to come out and go when we go or Mike's going to end up laying in there with him for the next hour and it once again defeats the whole "going to bed early" thing. Ug, Ug. Anyway- the other night was fun! I stuck Maybell in the sink again, a lil more comfortable this time. I don't mean to be graphic, but I didn't have any clothes on either and so when I snapped the picture of her you could see my reflection in the mirror. I didn't notice it in the picture at first. But as soon as we did notice it we couldn't stop laughing at how funny that would be to post the picture and say, "oh, aren't naked babies so cute?" ahahahahahaah. Well, this is the shot you would prefer  to see. We won't post the other one.
Then Mike put on a teeth brushing show

Jack took the gargling picture. Not bad.
And Jack is so funny and so cute. We were all just going to get in our bed and read, however Jack comes in and pulls up a pillow on the floor and gets his blanket over him and presses his little hands together next to his face like he's ready for some pleasant sleep. Ivan would NEVER do that.

This is more Ivan style. Soon Jack joined us! I do love to read to my boys and snuggle them in my bed. It's just hard to have your cake and eat it too!


  1. We had a similar night over here, so it makes me feel a lot better that I'm not the only one. And your blog always brings a smile to my face. Maybe next time bedtime is going south we should switch kids??

  2. So funny about the "naked" pic..... I guess your bra hanging on the bathroom door will have to do ;)

  3. Bedtime is hard regardless! I just think you must be the worlds most patient mother because if my kids are awake after 7:30 I'm about ready to meltdown!!! The naked thing had me laughing... and I'd say the bra on the bathroom door is awesome because if you come to my house you'll find it laying on the living floor because I can't get it off fast enough at the end of the day.
