

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The New Year 2025

 I have a problem. I have a whole slew of things I would like to do or become, a grand “to do” list, yet I haven’t the brains, the energy, the time, the patience, or anything else to get them done so they sit on a list on my phone year after year. I want to read books with my kids, write book summery’s for myself, read scriptures regularly, go to the temple more, keep a journal/update blog on a regular basis, organize photo’s, print past family pictures we’ve had taken and they’ve never left the hard drive, practice piano, play the games we’ve gotten for Christmas in years past and haven’t played, be consistent with kids and their chores and allowance, exercise, do a service project every month, never eat out, never yell, never get annoyed and the list goes on. Instead I just clean my house everyday and stare at the wall or “run into Ross.” I’m literally waisting away as a human and I’m only 49. I can’t remember anything, I don’t know the answer to any questions I’m asked, I can’t make a decision, I’m always frustrated at how life works. I don’t know how people do it. If I wake up, get my kids off to school, read, pray, exercise, clean house and shower and get ready, I feel like it’s almost 1:00. I guess then I can plan dinner, which is a whole world of work in and of itself if you want fresh food and homemade. Then there’s the frustration of everyone being home at the same time to eat it and we’ve got to run kids to and fro in the midst of it and get it cleaned up.  I’m just too tired for it all. My energy and my drive and passion for anything have up and left me. 

But it is January and here I am journaling/updating the blog. I want to write about our boring day to day. Today we have Delta and Piper. Their aunt lives across the street and they are staying with her for a while until their parents figure out some things. We got to know them a couple years ago when they stayed with their aunt. They are back and so we get to watch them once in a while. Delta is 6 and Piper is 2. They are sweet, darling little girls and we love having them. I had Kate stay home from school to help play with them.

Christmas was delightful. It seems to come and go so quickly and Utah hasn’t had snow the past few years so it’s hard to get into the Christmas spirit. This year we got our Christmas pajamas the first of the month and went to pick out ornaments, but there wasn’t much of a selection so we came home empty handed. Later in the month I found one for each kid. Dangling ammunition for Ivan, a golf cart for Jack, a lip gloss mini verse for Emery to make into an ornament and an elf for Kate. Kate got an elf to remember the year our elf, One Eyed Willie, got a little more creative. Usually he just moves around each day, but this year he tried to ski down the stairs, take a bath in a bowl of marshmallows, fish in the sink, use the toilet and other fun things. It was sad to see him go

This was the first year we ALL got matching pajama’s. Usually it’s just the kids, but I’ve really enjoyed mine. I also gave them each a little, tiny tinsel looking tree with a string of beads to wrap around as decoration. 

A couple other traditions are- the food exchange party at my house with my family. This year I arranged the plates on the table into snow men and placed a popper thing on each. Not sure what got into me. We also keep a mailbox in the tree and when we see someone at home, school or play, doing something nice we write it down and put it in the mailbox to read at night. I try to read Christmas stories to the kids. We decorate the tree together with music playing. We drove to Ogden the night kids got out of school for the break to see some lights and window displays. We donated to a couple things, but I had high hopes of doing an actual service project, yet didn’t. The past couple yrs I’ve wanted to take money envelopes and slide them through the doors of this small apartment complex here in Lehi and we haven’t done it. This year I was FOR SURE we were going to make it happen…… We didn’t. I know we can do it next year. I just know it. 

It was a busy, but fun month and now we are back in school and back to a routine. 

Monday, September 2, 2024


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Our 2023 Christmas puzzle

Ivan and Kate didn’t lay a hand on it. About 4% of it was done by Emery. About 1% of it done by Jack, which means I did 95% of this puzzle. I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning last night.  My regular bedtime is about 8:30.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Fall time

 Fall time here in Utah has been great last year and this year. The weather stays so nice. We wanted this house we live in because of the big back yard, so kids could play all day.  They aren't out there ALL the time, but I just love a day they are free and enjoy it and each other

Saturday, September 2, 2023


*Our nephew Kristian and taken to fly fishing so Mike and Ivan took him to Provo River to spend the day. 

*Ellie Worlse was baptized

*Sharon had a birthday

*Soccer started up again and look at how Mike and Sharon are watching Jacks soccer game...... the same day as a BYU game. Pick your game and watch it you guys. Geeze.

*Soccers going, tennis is going, football is going, Lucy's horse show is going then there's the girls.

Friday, September 1, 2023


We've had Koda for 3yrs now. Mike has finally come around and loves him as much as the rest of us. Koda is my little boy! My 5th child. He snuggles up to me EVERY -time I sit down. He is so excited to see us all when we come home after being away for a while. He runs circles around us and wags 90 mph, then he looks for something to pick up, like a shoe, and run away with it.  When we leave the house he runs into the piano room and jumps up on the little couch to watch out the front window. We need to play with him more during the day, because when we all finally sit down at night to watch a show or something that's when he comes alive and brings the ball to us for some catch. He's getting better at coming back when he runs out the front door and we call for him. 
He's has been such a good dog. We love you Koda

Thursday, August 31, 2023

football players are stinky

Mike had to pick up Ivan and a couple of friends from football practice and also had to detour over to pick Emery up from ballet. This is what she thinks of them. She's right. Ivan can smell soooo bad after practice 

